During the month of January our team of clinicians, field guides, spiritual counselors, volunteers, and lay leaders came together for trainings on the topics of our mission and values, program curriculum, wilderness skills, clinical modalities, and an understanding of the importance of BaMidbar within the Jewish community. BaMidbar is well underway in its first few weeks of programming. Students are mending relationships, defining goals, and building a skill set to face life’s challenges. They have celebrated the joy of Shabbat as a community, explored the themes of actualization of potential through Tu B’Shevat, and have seen that actualization take place in their own lives as they embark on this journey. To learn more about programming, click here, and to read about BaMidbar’s Tu B’Shevat celebration, click here

BaMidbar has held educational events at the Hebrew Educational Alliance in Denver, Colorado; First-Friday Shabbat with Congregation Bonai Shalom, Boulder, Colorado; and hosted a rabbinic workshop in partnership with the Jewish Addiction Awareness Network and HAMSA
(Helping Atlantas Manage Substance Abuse) in Atlanta, Georgia.
Tune into Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliances (JOFA) blogcast throughout the week of February 12th as they host Jory Hanselman of BaMidbar Wilderness Therapy, Marla Kaufman of the Jewish Addiction Awareness Network (JAAN), Miriam Ament Forman of No Shame On U, and Efrem Epstein of Elijah’s Journey to explore the important questions of the Jewish community’s responsibility towards substance abuse and mental health issues.
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